
A business is only as cutting-edge, as its people. To ensure that our clients’ people assets are ahead of the competition, we provide quality learning and skill development solutions that have a direct and measurable impact on our clients’ key performance indicators.

Any Solution provided becomes obsolete if it doesn’t impact your primary objective – your business outcomes, bottom line, KPIs to mention a few.

When it comes to training, "one size does not fit all". Many organizations have a specific training need which is not answered by open courses or off-the-shelf training programs. We understand that a startup has completely different requisites compared to a well established MNC, hence we ensure that all programs are "tailor-made" to the clients' needs.

​  At Peopleberry, we have extensive experience in designing and implementing in-company training blended learning solutions that seamlessly fit a bespoke training requirement, reflecting the company’s image, brand and values.

Whether you’re looking for training needs analysis, a custom induction program, performance coaching, IT skill upgradation, soft skill development, management and leadership development programs, we can help. Our bespoke training services range from tailored training courses and workshops, to the design and delivery of company management training initiatives to meet specific needs.

Some of the modules we offer are:

- Business Etiquette & Grooming
- Communication Skills
- Presentation Skills
- Art of Effective Delegation
- Interpersonal Skills
- Goal Setting
- Assertiveness
- Conflict Resolution
- Personality Development
- Personal Effectiveness
- Planning & Time Management
- Sales Effectiveness
- Basic Negotiation Skills
- Coaching and Mentoring
​ - Problem Solving and Decision Making
- Customer Service (Internal / External)
- Emotional Intelligence
- Women Empowerment
- Interviewing Skills
- Leadership Skills
- Managerial Skills
- Stress Management & Work life Balance
- Neuro Linguistic Programming
- Customized Training Programs
- Six Sigma Training
- English Language Training

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