
Ask our clients what made them choose us and you’re likely to get many different answers. There’s one thing they’ll all agree on though; we deliver outstanding results in record time.

We want to help maximize your company's performance by improving your people assets. Schedule a consultation appointment with one of our human resource experts so we can determine what your company needs.


Every business needs someone to manage hiring to ensure that the best talent in the market is available for its team. Whether you sell products or services, we can help run your company's HR tasks with our Peopleberry Associates Recruitment Solutions, designed to provide Senior & Executive Recruiting Solutions for India & abroad.


Information Technology

Industries We Work For

Power & Energy

Infrastructure & Real Estate

Retail & Hospitality

Education & Media

Executive Recruiting

Banking & Finance



HR Outsourcing

Are you a new business wanting to setup your team, but need expertise in setting up your structure and process. Or are you an organised company, foreseeing exponential growth and wanting to outsource single/multiple processes. Our seasoned experts take care of it all.